$1.9 million grant to fund Warner Road improvements

Chandler has learned it will receive more than $3 million in federal transportation funds to offset the cost of several major transportation improvements, including widening of the intersection at Warner and Alma School roads.

The money is part of $18 million in uncommitted or deferred federal project funds being redistributed by the Maricopa Association of Governments.  Final approval of Chandler’s allocation occurred during the June 29 meeting of the MAG Regional Council.

Communities from throughout the Valley vie for such funds near the end of each federal fiscal year.  The federal transportation dollars are administered locally by MAG and the Arizona Department of Transportation, and pay for transportation improvements throughout the region.

Chandler will receive $1,920,300 to assist with the purchase of property and design for a Park and Ride lot near Tumbleweed Park;  $725,000 to aide in the widening of the Alma School/Warner intersection and $449,413 for the purchase of three new street sweepers.
