
Your neighborhood schools report for the week of Jan. 29

Middle Schools 

Akimel A-al Middle School

Akimel A-al Middle School students are excited that morning announcements have gone "live" two days each week. A student announcement club is meeting each morning to learn how to produce video announcements. The 6th, 7th and 8th grade students are currently designing the set and learning how to operate the video broadcasting equipment. The school would like to extend a special thanks to the 6B teachers and to Mrs. Brewer for sponsoring the announcement club for AMS students.


Altadeña Middle School

Students in the sixth grade recently attended a field trip to Lake Pleasant Activity Center. Students had the opportunity to attend a variety of classes designed to enhance the Kyrene School’s science curriculum. One such class was “In Cold Blood,” where the students examined and acquainted themselves with snakes, turtles, lizards, toads and frogs.  In another class, “Desert Survival”, they learned how to build a fire and a shelter, how to construct the international symbol for signaling distress, and how to deal with panic in a crisis situation.  “Map Map” was a class that taught each student how to use a map and a compass and how to apply those basic orienteering skills during an outdoor relay race.  The last class was “Aquatic Life” where they examined and identified aquatic life under a microscope. The program addressed the various facets of survival, wilderness skills, and gave the students the opportunity to experience the wilderness of our surrounding deserts located right in our own backyard.  


Centennial Middle School

The Language Arts classes at Centennial Middle School have been studying different forms of poetry and learning about the works of different poets. Many students are submitting original poetry for the poetry contest. Winners of the Centennial Middle School poetry contest will go on to compete at the district level. The student poems were turned in on January 23rd for judging. The winning poems will be on display at the Centennial Middle School library. The 7B team has written haikus and five senses poems on single, high-definition color PowerPoint slides. Technology and poetry! The poetry shows a real understanding of the relationships within nature, and the learning activity was thought-provoking and a great hands-on experience for students. Reading the poetry written by other students and by famous poets has sparked greater creativity in many Centennial students! These beautiful examples are on display in the 7B pod area at Centennial Middle School for all to enjoy.


Kyrene Middle School

Each year the Tempe Human Relations Commission honors local individuals, businesses and community groups that have demonstrated a commitment to diversity in Tempe. Kyrene Middle School's Site Based Council was selected as a 2004 Diversity Award Winner in the Education category for its Caring Majority program.


At a Diversity Awards Brunch on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, KMS was recognized for its commitment and efforts to the Tempe community as exceptional and essential to fulfilling the goal of making Tempe better.   KMS Site Based Council has focused its work on diversity by forming committees, developing programs and supporting events that educate and inform students and families on the culturally-competent community. The Council has been instrumental in developing a positive school climate which is fertile ground not only for a safe community of learners, but also provides an environment for character and integrity to blossom.


Pueblo Middle School

Pueblo’s sixth grade “Awesome A’s” celebrated the ethnic diversity of their families with a special evening program on Thursday, January 22nd.  Students presented dances, music, and diversions that represented their cultures while families and staff members sampled ethnic foods and shared information on history and traditions. Teacher Yolanda Williams provided the leadership for this new Pueblo event. 

P.T.A. will sponsor a book fair during the week of February 9-13 .  Parents may shop In room E10 during the evening of parent conferences on February 11. 

 Eighth grade students spent time with counselors from Corona and Mountain Pointe High Schools on Thursday, January 22. Students learned about options and requirements for their ninth grade classes. Student Advisor Sharon Bond did an outstanding job of organizing the sessions for students and their future counselors.


Elementary Schools


Brisas Elementary

The Recycling Contest began February 1st! Brisas needs your old newspapers, paper bags, magazines, etc., in order to win the Abitibi Recycling Contest. First prize in the contest is $1000.00 that we could really use!  The contest ends February 29th at midnight, so please bring us your recyclables before then. Any questions, contact Mary Jo Boergers (783-2332) or Ed Collins (783-2313).

 On February 4th at 7:00 pm will be the next Family Conversation Night, focusing on Literacy Skills. The topic will be "Listening to your child read". Literacy Specialist Suzanne Carreon has been providing strategies on reading.


Cerritos Elementary

Character Counts at Cerritos School. The Character Counts program at Kyrene de los Cerritos is integrated with every aspect of academic learning. Cerritos’ Six Pillars of Character are Respect, Citizenship, Fairness, Caring,  Responsibility and Trustworthiness. Cerritos teaches its children that they are building a strong, positive character, which helps them to do better in school, and impacts our life long learning. Cerritos children and staff focused on the Character of Fairness during the month of December and January and helped one another to practice ways of showing how to be fair as they work together in their classrooms, in the cafeteria, on the playground, at home and all through their day-to-day lives. The following children were nominated by their teacher and classmates as being the most "Fair" students in their class. They ate lunch with the Principal and received a Fairness Certificate, Fairness Tag and special lunch treat. Congratulations to the following students from each grade level:


Kelly Baker, Trey O'Leary, Emily Long, J.C. Schlabach, Ambrie Scribner, James Arnold, Amma Sarkodee-Adoo, Troy Waller, Kayla Schmitz, Adam Guzman

First Grade:

A. J. Stewart, Eliza Quah, Nalani Lantry, Scott Selke, Ethan Holthe, Holly Innes, Devin Scow, Mykela Harden, Raynee Cooper, Sean Mulherin

Second Grade:

Meghan Burch, Bryce Thwaits, Kalia Cobb, Luke Stratton, Michaela Hoffman, Adam Miller, Matthew Mathers, Makena Seymour, Madison Barrow, Abbey Groninger

Third Grade:

Kaitlyn Cooper, Wade Wolf, Alexis Corrion, Logan Collett, Meaghan Hau, Tana Kemmer, Kyra Curtis, Danny Gavin, Maddie Nahmias, Tyler Dunker

Fourth Grade:

Gracie Laughlin, Sean McDowell, Jennifer Issar, Matthew Herbert, Augie Haynie, Kristen Hicks, Nikki Meeker, Jonathan Furseth

Fifth Grade:

Hannah Hayes, Dillon Geoffroy, Emily Spencer, Madeline Burge, Carlee Terry, Jennifer Na, David Kaptur, Seema Kassab


Cielo Elementary

Kyrene del Cielo elementary school has collected more than 683 pairs of socks for Shoebox Ministries, a local charity for the homeless. This drive was spearheaded by Cielo's Student Council. 

 The third graders are preparing for their upcoming musical performance entitled:  "Got A Question?  We've Got the Answer! "  It will be performed Thursday, March 4th at 6:30 p.m. in the Cielo cafeteria. This program will showcase students' skills by featuring musical questions and answers about barred instruments, pitched instruments, body percussion, movement and voice.   

Third graders have various topics of study in their current social studies and science programs. Lorraine Manley's students are beginning their exploration of earth materials as they examine rocks and minerals. A study of the solar system is being undertaken by Jeannie Sawyer's students including tracking the Mars Rover. A study of sound, including vibration and pitch is underway in La Rinda Saylor's class. Janiece Walsh's students are researching their ancestral heritage by completing country reports.

 The Art Room has been bustling with activity. The first graders have been mixing secondary colors to create art in the style of illustrator, Eric Carle. Second grade learned about weaving and made their own paper weavings creating patterns with color. They are getting ready to embellish them with more patterns using found objects to print with. Third graders have their choice of using warm or cool colors as a background for their Origami Hawaiian shirts. They will add details with marker creating typical Hawaiian themes. The Asian landscapes the fourth grade completed are beautiful.  We will be moving on to clay and learning how to work with slabs. Fifth grade has just started their color study projects. They are using tempera paint to experiment with mixing using complimentary, monochromatic and analogous color.

 Congratulations to the fifth graders whose art was displayed at the Kyrene District Office through the month of January. Congratulations to Cielo’s first grade student David Zhao in Mrs. Chouteau/Francis’ classroom. David took 6th place in the Arizona State Chess Championship.  

  The fifth grade music program, "The Drum," performed at Corona del Sol High School was outstanding.  Students from Aprende and Corona del Sol performed as well. 


Colina Elementary

Celebrations marking the 100th day of school included a school-wide exercise break with 100 exercises and a visit from the “Zero Hero” – a mystery visitor covered in zeros – to the kindergarten classes.

 P.E. teachers Deb Wilkinson and Michelle Stephens are preparing students for the “Jump Rope for the Heart” event on Friday. This event will be held at Kyrene de la Lomas Elementary School and will raise money to fund research for heart and cardiovascular disease, as well to develop educational materials on the importance of heart health. To keep their hearts strong, Colina families will have a chance to exercise together at the Student Council Skating Party, which will be held at Skateland USA. 

 Students and staff also participated in the Super Bowl canned food drive. Cans were stacked according to Super Bowl favorites and then donated to Arizona Food Banks.


Estrella Elementary

 Put down the remote and catch a good book.

 Sit with your children and all take a look.

 Novels, short stories, joke books galore

 Once you begin, you’ll yearn for more!

 Kyrene de la Estrella is participating in the National Education Association’s Read Across America annual event. This year, Estrella is encouraging participation by the entire family in  reaching the goal of 12,000 hours of reading during the month of February. The theme for this event is baseball – “Estrella’s Favorite Pastime” and will close with a special celebrity guest if the goal is reached!


 Lagos Elementary

What is more exciting or more eagerly anticipated than starting Kindergarten? Lagos is getting ready to welcome the kindergarten class of 2004-2005. Parents of next year's kindergarteners are invited to attend the Kindergarten Parent Information Meeting on Thursday, February 19, 2004, in the Lagos Library at 6:30 p.m. to learn about our programs. Lagos will be holding the Kindergarten Round-Up on Tuesday, March 23, 2004, at 6:30 p.m. for the new kindergarteners and their parents.


We are really proud of our kindergarten programs here at Lagos. This year Lagos was able to offer a full-day program, a half-day program and an alternate full-day program to meet the diverse needs of our Lagos community. We urge parents to register their kindergarten age children as early as possible so we will be able to better serve the needs of next year's group. Registration packets will be available in the Lagos office on February 3. 


 Manitas Elementary

Mrs. Moran's kindergarten class will celebrate their one hundredth day of school on Monday by doing activities that involve one hundred items.  Zero Hero will come to school that day to read a book and count with the students.   

 Mariposa Elementary

Third graders performed their “Trip Around the World” musical celebration this Wednesday. Music teacher Jenny Kilgard-Erich led the students in songs and dances that celebrated our American heritage. Fifth grade students have presented their projects on historic missions in the southwest. Students constructed scale models of famous missions from all over California, Arizona and New Mexico as they learned about early southwest history. Fifth graders are also learning about the natural history of our region and will go on a culminating field trip to Karchner Caverns in southern Arizona this week! Fifth grade teachers Sandy Molstad, Carolyn Rooder,  John Nestuk, Elaine Stohler, Debbie Macias and Shari Solberg-Ayers prepare for months so that students understand the natural and geographic history of the region. Students tour the caves and participate in activities to test their understanding! Thanks to our parents for their Tax Credit Donations who make this extensive and exciting trip possible!


Milenio Elementary

Fifth grade students are hard at work researching problems the colonists faced in early America. Science students have been creating posters depicting various biomes, and health students have been studying healthy eating. Nutrition continues to be a prime focus. In technology, students are working on their typing skills.  Math is a huge priority in 5th grade, with all students "Waking Up With Math." Activities are geared towards learning, and exploration of math concepts. The students truly enjoy the fun! All 5th grade classes are participating in the "Box-tops for Education" competition to earn money for our school. The class with the most box-tops collected will win a pizza or ice cream party.  

 Milenio’s First Sweetheart Dinner, sponsored by the PTO, will be held on Thursday, February 12th. Carrabba’s Italian Grill will be providing a bountiful buffet menu. Tickets are on sale now. Contact the school office for more information.

The Milenio Staff would like to thank all the parents who provide assistance by volunteering their time. Thank you to those of you who have committed to volunteering during our daily “Wake-Up Math” time as well to those parents who help in the classroom and the media center. To those parents who help organize events and activities such as those sponsored by the PTO we thank you as well. The enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment of all our volunteers are much appreciated.


Mirada Elementary

The kindergartens in Candy Blakemore's room are getting ready to bid "Cheers" to their student teacher, Eric Stuebner, who will be leaving to teach kindergarten in Brighton, England. Eric will return to Mirada the end of April to finish his student teaching. Before leaving Eric used the Internet to teach the students about Brighton. The students also made a book for him to share with his "British" kids and hope his British kids will make one for them. While he is gone, the class will use email to keep in touch and see what he is doing at his British School.

 On the 100th day of school, Heather Thude's first graders celebrated by eating a cake with 100 candles.

 Susan Edinger and Linda Virden's 3/4 multi-agers are working on an economics unit using technology. They have learned a variety of economics terms and are creating PowerPoint presentations demonstrating their knowledge of these terms. Earlier in the unit the students had to create a list of wants and needs based on a budget of $300, they had to spend $200 on needs and the remaining $100 on wants. This particular activity was taken from a web quest on economics. It has been a high interest unit that teaches some real life budgeting skills!


On Friday, January 23rd, Joni Drexler's 4th grade students learned Navajo rug weaving skills. Barbara Gronemann of Southwest Learning Sources gave a fun presentation about Navajo culture and rug weaving.  Each student was able to use a loom and yarn to create a "mug" rug. The students had a lot of fun and are excited to learn more about the Navajo and continue their rug weaving.


Paula Nash's 4th grade class is also studying some of the Native Americans of Arizona. The students are learning about their culture, their history and life today. To celebrate our learning at the end of the unit, we will create pueblos, hogans, pottery, Kachinas, wickiups, "silver" jewelry, and sand paintings.

Niños Elementary

The second grade classes have been studying dinosaurs. They have made and erupted volcanoes, studied fossils, and learned about the triceratops, apatosaurus, tyrannosaurus rex, and stegosaurus dinosaurs. They will be taking a walking field trip to Changing Hands Bookstore to learn more about dinosaurs and to review fiction vs. non-fiction sources. They will also be visiting the Mesa Southwest Museum to further their dinosaur exploration.

Fourteen second graders were recognized at the Student Achievement Assembly held on Friday, January 23 for their perfect attendance during the second quarter of this school year. 

Parents are invited to attend Keep a Poem in Your Pocket Night on Thursday, February 5th from 6 to 7 p.m. Various poetry activities are planned for this evening as well as featuring student poems in our school's hallway. Immediately following, our school's third Literacy Conversation Night entitled Listening to Your Child Read will be held from 7 to 8 p.m. The presenters will be Jonna Harness and Suzanne Carreon.

 P aloma Elementary

Students at Kyrene de la Paloma participated in the PTA’s annual Reflections Program, an opportunity for students to share their talents in visual arts, writing and musical composition. At a reception in their honor, the winners of each category were recognized, and their work was unveiled for all to admire. The winning entries will be submitted for competition in the state level Reflections Program. Congratulations to these very talented Paloma students!

Primary Literature: 1st Place - Mackenzie Tanquary; 2nd Place - Carlie Peterson; 3rd Place - Kyle Brown;

Primary Photography: 1st Place - Kyle Brown

Primary Visual Arts: 1st Place - Tyler Thompson; 2nd Place - Drew Ketterman; 3rd Place - Mackenzie Tanquary; Honorable Mention - Kyle Brown

 Intermediate Literature: 1st Place - Simona Kovatcheva; 2nd Place - John Templeton

 Intermediate Musical Composition:1st Place - Emma Doney  2nd Place - Erin Ketterman

 Intermediate Photography:1st Place - Emma Doney; 2nd Place - Sachi Mehrotra

Intermediate Visual Arts:1st Place - Colby Bounds; 2nd Place - Emma Doney; 3rd Place - John Templeton

Honorable Mention - Erin Ketterman; Reba Emry


Sierra Elementary

This week and next Sierra will hold its annual Scholastic Book Fair. To promote literacy during the Book Fair the PTO has organized two Family Literacy Nights in which distinguished guests will visit students and their families in the school library to read a favorite book and tell how reading and writing have been an important part of their life. Many local celebrities, city and state representatives, and sports figures are expected to attend.


Sureño Elementary

Third grade students at Kyrene del Sureño are learning about different ways to express patriotism. A recent Social Studies unit allowed students to explore American icons, symbols and traditions in very creative ways.  Posters, clay sculptures, and dioramas were just a few of the ways students chose to complete their projects.  Symbols such as the liberty bell, statue of liberty, white house and bald eagle are displayed throughout the school in the most unique forms.  The signing of the Declaration of Independence becomes very interesting when cheese puffs are used and labeled as cabinet members.  Also impressive were Lego creations of the Washington Monument.  Students now have a clearer understanding of various symbols of our nation and how they can be used to demonstrate pride in their community.


Waggoner Elementary

Waggoner teachers were students for a day on February 2nd!  They spent the morning learning about "Read Naturally," a reading program being implemented to assist students become more fluent readers; working on their web pages and learning about Easy Grade Pro for the upper graders and special area teachers; and developing math activities to use in their classrooms. The afternoon was spent meeting in grade level teams and planning for the upcoming months. Waggoner held two successful events last week. The first was a school-wide evacuation drill off campus, to a neighboring facility. The students were on their best behavior, with older grades pairing up with younger grades for the walk to the emergency site. The second event was the Used Books and Media Sale, held in the Reading Area. Hundreds of used books, tapes, games, and more were collected and sold to happy students, parents, and teachers. All proceeds will benefit school activities. 

Thank you to teacher Nancy Lujan, and parent sponsors Cindy Wallin and Katy Holditch for all their help with this great event!  The second issue of the Waggoner student newspaper was delivered last week. Thanks to teacher sponsor Janice Rubocki, and 5th graders Shannon Wheeler, Aly Robinson, and Sara Christman for all their hard work on this great student newspaper!  Plan now to attend the PTO's Friendship Dinner next Tuesday evening from 5:30-7:30pm. The Theme Baskets will also be raffled off that evening. Contact the Waggoner PTO for more information.

