
Film Fare...with Mark Moorehead

Four new summer films reviewed

The Terminal (Rated PG-13)

Tom Hanks plays Viktor Navorski, a visitor from a small eastern European country that undergoes a coup d’etat while he is in flight to the United States. Homeland Security determines his passport is null and void, and he becomes an unofficial prisoner of sorts at JFK Airport until the State Department can works things out. The story explores his adjustment, amusement and romance while interacting with all the participants that comprise a large airport terminal over a period of months. Catherine Zeta-Jones plays a flight attendant who takes a fancy to this friendly man without a country. (Opens 6/18)

Garfield: The Movie (Rated PG)

That darn cat has taken a leap off the drugstore card rack and onto the big stage. Bill Murray is the voice talent for loveable and laughable Garfield, the sarcastic cat with the sagging eyelids and an air of superiority. Garfield has been living the good life with his owner, Jon (Breckin Meyer of Rat Race fame). His typical day is endless rest when he’s not teasing a great dane or eating a bowl of lasagna on his favorite recliner.

However, Garfield’s idyllic life comes crashing down when Jon accepts a talented dog named Odie from a beautiful veterinarian (Jennifer Love Hewitt).  Garfield promptly puts the dog out and locks the door. Odie runs away and ends up in the hands of an evil TV clown with visions of fame promoting his new dancing dog. Garfield sees Odie on TV and pangs of guilt suddenly overcome him as he decides to rescue the clueless young pup. Murray’s comic brilliance is not lost in translation, with a fine feline performance full of wit and charm. (Opens 6/11)

The Stepford Wives (Rated PG-13)

Could this be an updated and faithful remake of the original 1975 Stepford Wives or a parody made for Saturday Night Live? Starring Nicole Kidman, Matthew Broderick, Bette Midler and Glen Close.

You know the story: Kidman plays a recently defrocked TV executive taken by the hand by her husband Walter (Matthew Broderick) and moved from New York City to Stepford Estates, an upper-crust enclave populated with the 1950s version of perfect wives.

The 1975 version was released at the height of the liberation movement and was considered a frightening social satire and condemnation of male chauvinism. Calling someone a “Stepford wife” was a one time considered an insult. However, based on a recent women’s fashion ad toting the Stepford Wife look, in some circles it might be considered a compliment. Times have changed. Opens 6/11)

Around the World in 80 Days (Rated PG)

Phileas Fogg (Steve Coogan), an eccentric scientist in late 19th Century England, accepts a wager from Lord Kelvin, head of the Royal Academy of Science, that he can circumnavigate the world in 80 days or give up inventing for the rest of his life. Jackie Chan stars as Coogan’s bubbling sidekick in this classic Disney remake of the 1960s original. Over land, sea and air, our wacky tour guides take us to the most exotic locales on the globe in a race against time. Gov. Arnold Schwartznegger, Kathy Bates and Owen and Luke Wilson play a few of the bizarre characters full of fun and mischief in an effort to befuddle and derail Professor Fogg.  Great family film filled with thrills and spills. (Opens 6/16)    
