
News from your Kyrene Corridor schools

Sept. 18 reports

Aprende Middle School

The Aprende Library is involved with the Arizona Young Readers' Award, sponsored by the Arizona Library Association.  Students have attended a book talk are encouraged to read at least three of the ten books nominated so they may vote for their favorite book at the end of March.  Students received bookmarks and a paper to record the books they have read.  For more information about the Arizona Young Readers' Award, visit the website http://coe.west.asu.edu/students/kwestrick/ayr.htm.

Kyrene Middle School

Save the date!  Kyrene Middle School's PTO is sponsoring Harvest Festival on Thursday, October 30th.  Activities will begin at 6:00 pm and will continue throughout the evening until 9:00 pm.  Plan on coming to KMS for this exciting event and enjoy an evening of food, rides, games and fall festivities.

Pueblo Middle School

Pueblo Middle School held its first Site Council meeting on Monday, September 8th.  Parent member include Elizabeth McHugh, Jack Berg, Mitzi Epstein, MaryDee Camarena, and Merilee Edel. Meetings will be held throughout the year on the first Monday of each month at 3:30 PM.  All members of the Pueblo school community are invited to attend.

Our student council officers for 2003-04 have begun planning the year’s social and service activities.  President, Lina Washington leads the group.  The executive board also includes Ashley Hanson as our Vice President, Jenna Grover in the position of secretary, Katie Shoultz as treasurer, and Sanjay Krishnamurthy as Pueblo’s Lieutenant Governor.

Pueblo Middle School will hold the first all-school assembly of the year on Friday, September 19th at 2:40 PM.  Student Council officers will be recognized along with members of the fall sports teams, volleyball, soccer, and cross country running.

On September 11th, students and staff members remembered the events of 9/11/01 by wearing red, white, and blue. We dedicated the daily Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence to the families who lost loved ones on that day.

Sixth grade science students are learning about the structure of atoms.  Mrs. Sherrill’s classes will culminate a week of learning by representing the nucleus and rings of an atom with something delectable from the kitchen.  Projects will be presented, and eaten, on Friday!


Christy Asta, Terry Carr, and Debbie Dobyns are helping their first graders with their reading skills by using books by Eric Carle, such as The Very Lonely Firefly.  Students have been working on finding story patterns, recalling events in order and identifying characters.  These books also lead into their science unit, which is learning about the life cycles and body parts of insects.  What a great way to get students excited about so many subjects at once!

Cielo Elementary School

Just like mom and dad keep track of daily events and appointments on their Palm Pilot or daytimer, fourth and fifth grade students at Kyrene del Cielo this year started using agendas that contain a "week-at-a-glance" calendar and monthly calendar reference.  These new agendas were well received by students and teachers.  By using the agendas on a daily basis, students are setting themselves up for academic success.  Research shows that organized students are more successful in school, regardless of their academic ability. Parents and teachers are able to monitor daily work that has been completed, and note when an assignment has been missed.  What do students like best about the new agendas?  They say that it makes them feel more grown up and they like the way they can keep track of everything; --even their classmates' phone numbers!  Fifth graders are also looking forward to the opportunity to see the copy of the Declaration of Independence that will be at the Capitol in October. 

Manitas Elementary School

The Manitas Developmental Preschool classes are learning about "bugs" this month.  The students are producing wonderful bug art projects and are involved in several extension activities, including a search for toy bugs outside in the sand.  Shortly, live caterpillars will be arriving in the classroom and the three and four-year old students will watch them grow and then, through metamorphosis, change into butterflies!

Friday night is the Manitas annual sock hop.  Mrs. Fitzke's second grade class is providing the entertainment.  We are singing and dancing to Elvis Presley's "Hound Dog".

Niños Elementary School

Student Council 2003-2004 is underway here at Niños! Twenty fifth grade students are busy campaigning for the offices of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian.  All 4th and 5th grader students will watch video-recorded tapes of the speeches given by those running for an office, and then vote for the one they feel will represent our school the best.  Classroom representatives will be chosen next week, and officially kick off our year with a Student Council sponsored Skateland party!  Student Council sponsors, Janice Wagner and Laurie Alves  welcome all students back to school, and to a great new year with the Niño's Student Council!

Janice Wagner, Ninos teacher, has recently taken on a new endeavor - she'll be teaching a new 1-2 multiage combo. class!  This class has been created here at Niños in an effort to alleviate the large class sizes in both first and second grades. She looks forward to a year of great blending of talents, growing, and learning.

Mrs. Mason's 2nd grade students are writing and typing their autobiographies on the computer using Kid Pix program. They are also studying about their families and their traditions and creating models of the houses they live in.

Norte Elementary School

Kyrene del Norte's second graders are gearing up to be world geographers!  They have been intently identifying the seven continents, four oceans, and are now in the process of designing their own world map!  The students have learned many important terms that describe their urban community, such as:  transportation, communication, needs, and wants.  Soon they will be studying their state's weather patterns by producing a newscast.  Mrs. Beaudoin and Mrs. Ward's second graders soar with success!

Paloma Elementary School

It’s official!  Paloma students have elected their classroom representatives, and the first Student Council meeting of the year takes place this week.  Student Council representatives make decisions affecting the students at Paloma.  Some decisions involve how money is spent and which projects are undertaken for the improvement of the school and community.  Other decisions have to do with school spirit and having fun.  We are proud of our Student Council members and we appreciate their leadership at Paloma.

Waggoner Elementary School

Waggoner's Student Council is in full swing this year, with teacher

sponsors Erin O'Neill, Patti Calkins, and Jay Wallace. Elections were held this past week, and the new

Student Council officers are Alex Hudson (President), Sara Christman (Vice-President), Paloma Romo (Treasurer), and Whitney Tate (Secretary).  Congratulations to all the candidates on their fine campaign speeches!  This past week.  All students at Waggoner were given the chance to vote for this year's student T-Shirt designs.  Congratulations to fourth grader Audrey

Wheeless for creating the winning design for this year's shirts! Audrey's design includes a very cool Waggoner Wildcat, wearing sunglasses!  Orders for T-Shirts will be taken soon.  Thank you to all the Waggoner families who have cut and sent in their General Mills Boxtops for Education!  Keep sending them in with your students.  We are well on our way to exceeding our totals from last year!  All proceeds will benefit Waggoner students.  The winning class will receive an ice cream party, compliments of PTO.

Jan Schafer's second grade class had a successful Stuffed Animal Day.  The students brought in their favorite animal, read it a book, wrote a story about their animal, traced a picture of it, and then made a giant graph to see who had the smallest animal and who had the biggest.  Second Graders in Ms. Schafer's, Nancy Lujan's, Jan Babic's, Helene Hamlin's, and Monica Storjohann's classes also made a slide show presentation about the playground rules. The slides are shown during the morning announcements.

Thanks to Mr. Wallace, our technology teacher. Currently, second graders are studying patterns, graphs and Venn diagrams in math.  In science they have begun studying about balance and motion.  Their next experiment will be to make a mobile from paper, straws, paper clips and rubber bands.   Watch for details about our upcoming McWaggoner Night at McDonald's on October 8!

Sept. 4 reports

Aprende Middle School

After an enjoyable three-day Labor Day weekend, the final week for the Magazine Sale started off on Tuesday, September 2nd.  Homerooms are in stiff competition to win prizes!  Among the top prizes offered are a bingo party, which took place during 9th hour on Friday, September 5, and a limo lunch, on Wednesday, September 10, during lunch hours.

This year's first progress reports were scheduled to go home with students on Friday, September 12.  Aprende Student Council, also on Friday from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. in the Gym, sponsored Aprende’s first dance of the year.

Kyrene Middle School

Kyrene Middle School held their annual Be a Middle Schooled for a Day on September 3. Parents were invited to attend school with their child and experience their daily schedule.  The day was quite a success with approximately 300 parents participating.  KMS continues to reach out to their parents and community in building strong relationships.

Pueblo Middle School

Sixth grade students on the “Xtreme Team” enjoyed dinner with their teachers and families here at school on Friday, August 22 followed by a lock-in party in the school cafeteria and gym.  Teachers and students shared games, team-building activities, stories and movies.  A few students even slept for a bit!

Seventh and eighth grade parents attended “Curriculum Night” on Wednesday, August 26.  They followed their students daily schedules and listened to teachers presentations regarding learning that will take place in each class this year.

Cielo Elementary School

Cielo has added a new schoolwide focus for student citizenship called “Integrity”. This joins the other Firebird Pride virtues of Safety, Respect, Kindness, Cooperation, and Responsibility.  Every classroom will be focusing on a different positive character trait throughout the school year.  Kay Umberson, one of our music teachers, wrote a song about “Integrity” to remind student to “Do the Right Thing”.  Additionally, on 9/11, Cielo had a flag raising at the school with participation from the Chandler police and fire departments.  The community will be included and flags will line the streets in honor of 9/11 and our troops overseas.

Manitas Elementary

Manitas Third Graders had a fund raiser at Cold Stone Creamery in the Casa Paloma Plaza on Ray Rd. The third grade teachers scooped ice cream to raise money for field trips.

Mariposa Elementary

Students and families are in full-swing for our Fall Fundraiser!  We use the funds from this drive to provide enhanced computer instruction to all our students and to provide enhanced lunch time duty supervision and intramural programs.  In addition, out PTO supports many activities and field trips throughout the year!  During the week of September 8 our 'Artist in Residence Program' began for grades 4 and 5. Writer Laraine Herring will be working with all students in these grades in a variety of writing modes.  Our PTO sponsored this program along with a grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts. 

Niños Elementary

Kindergarten is off to a great start thanks to the efforts of our teachers, Mrs. Burger, Mrs. Laidley, and Mrs. Johnson. Each classroom is filled with exciting and educational activities for the students. During the last three weeks, Kindergarteners have been busy learning the routines of their classrooms, creating books, and sorting. The books that are being created by the Kindergarteners help them learn sight words, one-to-one correspondence as well as directionality. The books also teach them to use clues to solve unknown words. Our Kindergarteners are also being exposed to a variety of different kinds of books, poems and songs. In math, the students are sorting, creating patterns and practicing their counting. They have sorted their class friends in many ways, by boys and girls, by types of shoes, and by clothing. They are definitely learning that there is more than one way to sort things.

Our first school wide assembly was scheduled for Thursday, September 11. Mrs. Dina Breaux, Music teacher, planned a patriotic assembly that included a moment of silence and remembrance of September 11, 2001 as well as Fletcher Plant, World War II Veteran, who will speak to our students, and conclude with our students singing patriotic songs.

Paloma Elementary

Paloma families were invited to attend our Annual Ice Cream Social, on Friday, September 12, from 6:30-8:30 p.m.  We gathered in the multipurpose room for some old fashioned family fun, including ice cream sundaes, of course.  Cost was $1 per person or $5 per family. 

Waggoner Elementary

Waggoner students have had a great three weeks back at school!  We welcomed our returning principal, Mr. Ken Helling, along with our new Assistant Principal, Mrs. Tonya Yalung.  The students then got a chance to show their Waggoner team spirit at the kick-off Spirit Assembly on August 13.  Teachers were introduced, the school spirit song was played, a good time was had by all!  We look forward to a great year of learning together!  First graders in Kelly Herrmann's, Molly Danforth's, Jennie Dorsett's, Jenny Kara's, and Shelly Howard's classes celebrated the completion of their Alphabet Review Unit with Potluck parties in all their classes last week.  Each student brought a treat to share with the class, which had to start with the first letter of the student's first name.  Not only was there a lot of eating, but there was a lot of learning going on, as well!  Waggoner welcomes back almost 30 ASU fourth -block education students.  They will be taking their reading classes at Waggoner, observing and assisting in many classrooms, and tutoring many Waggoner students after school, beginning in October.  Thank you to all who are participating in the PTO's Fall Fundraiser- the Gift Wrap Sale.  Our goal this year is to raise over $20,000 to help support all the great learning programs here at Waggoner.  All orders are due in by the end of this week.  Contact the office for more information.  We look forward to working with our great community again this year!  Go Wildcats!

Aug. 28 reports


The second graders at Kyrene del Cielo kicked off the 2003-2004 school year by creating their own baseball teams.  Each classroom chose a name, created their own baseball card and pennant and most importantly discussed different ways of working together as a team to create unity.  In addition to creating team spirit, the students have also integrated their new Character Education program called Do the Right Thing into their classrooms.  As the year progresses, the students will have mini-lessons based on doing the right thing and exciting assemblies.  Cielo Student Council will be assisting parents and staff in spearheading the Character Education program with special events to highlight how students model "Doing the Right Thing".

Niños Elementary

All students in K-2nd grade had a vision and hearing screening on Monday - Wednesday of last week. New students to our school in grades 3rd -5th grade were also screened. Deana Contreras, Health Office assistant, coordinated this screening with help and support from staff member, Roxanne Richardson and parents, Heather Topper, Chris Burkholder, Rosemary Jones, Cynthia Jenkins, Karen Hollander, Nancy McGill, and Jennifer Urich.

Niños Site Base Council is looking for a parent representative to serve on our school's Site Base Council. Interested parents are asked to contact the school office for more details.

The annual PTA fall fundraiser will officially begin on Tuesday, September 2nd. Students will bring home brochures and order forms. All fall fundraising envelopes must be returned to school by no later than Tuesday, September 16th. All proceeds from this fundraiser will be spent on projects that benefit all of our students.

Norte Elementary

We finally get to come to school!  We still shed some tears and have some anxieties about some things, but are finding out that being at school is really fun and exciting! Clifford has helped through these beginning days of learning about:  Our 5 Senses, colors and color words, writing and how to hold a pencil; we've learned that when we use too much glue on our projects, we drown ALL of the horses in our room, and we're learning # chants and shape chants, and about the letter and sound of Cc. We have also made a beautiful mural of our paper dolls (that represent each one of us) out in the hall way so the whole school can admire it!

Paloma Elementary

The first Paloma PTA meeting for the 2003-2004 school year is tomorrow evening, September 4, beginning at 6:30 p.m.  Paloma parents are invited to join in us in the library to meet the new PTA Board and become part of the exciting plans for this school year.  One of our new activities this year is the formation of the first Paloma Dads’ Club.  We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to become an active part of our school community. 

Sureño Elementary

 Kyrene del Sureño School will be holding a fundraiser on Monday, September 8 at the Cold Stone Creamery from 5:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.  Sureño's own teachers and staff will be behind the counter at the Cold Stone Creamery at the corner of 56th Street and Ray Road in the AJ's Shopping Plaza.  Sureño will earn 25% of the profits for the evening, so stop by and treat yourself to ice cream and help out Sureño at the same time.



On Thursday, August 21, Aprende Middle School's annual Magazine Drive got under way.  Every year, subscriptions sold by students at Aprende raise funds for the school.  Students had a pep assembly Thursday afternoon in the gym to start off the fundraiser, which will end with the final magazine subscription turn-in on Friday, September 5.

On Friday, September 12, Aprende Student Council will sponsor its "Welcome Back Dance" from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. in the Gym.

Aprende's PTSO (Parent/Teacher/Student Organization) will be selling collared shirts soon as a fundraiser.  The PTSO has a large volunteer group; always ready to assist with the many events at Aprende.  More information about the shirt sale will follow.


On Wednesday, August 20th KMS kicked off the Caring Majority Program in major league style. The KMS Caring Majority is a program designed to prevent bullying.  Number 11 for our AZ Diamondbacks, Matt Kata, made a special visit to KMS to encourage students to participate in our Caring Majority Program.  While at KMS, Matt spoke to students about the importance of being strong in who you are and standing up for yourself and others.  Matt even signed a Caring Majority contract and became an honorary member of KMS Caring Majority. Since this special kick off we have had over 600 students sign Caring Majority Contracts pledging to make KMS a caring and respectful place to learn and grow.

KMS thanks Matt Kata for giving of his time, sharing his personal challenges and being a positive influence to our students. He is making major league difference on and off the baseball field.  Go KMS Caring Majority Scorpions and Matt Kata of our Arizona Diamondbacks!
