From behind these prized hollyhocks, news blossoms

Josephine Williams knows news when she sees it. After all, she stumbled onto more than a few big stories during her stint  as a sheriff’s deputy several years ago.

She also knows that the hollyhocks in her backyard aren’t much to write about—unless, of course, there’s a burglar hiding behind them.

So when Tempe police began surrounding her Warner Ranch home shortly before 6:30 one recent morning, Williams knew breaking news wasn’t far away.

“We were in the kitchen, and my husband saw quite a few officers moving around in the neighborhood,” recalls Williams.

“First there were patrol cars, then motorcycles, then more cars. I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh, there was a robbery in my neighborhood.’”

That’s when the hollyhock bushes began to move. And that’s when Williams picked up the phone to dial 9-1-1.

The call led officers to the Williams’ backyard and the quick arrest of a suspect in two nearby break-ins.

And, to Williams’ delight, a chance to show off her prized floral achievement.

“I’m not sure which is the best story,” she said. “But I think my hollyhocks deserve more attention than some guy breaking into houses.”
