Masquerade for fun
The Miriam group of Hadassah invites community members to "disguise themselves" at Miriam's Masquerade Party at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 26 at Temple Beth Sholom, 3400 N. Dobson Road, Chandler.
The evening will begin with a Havdalah service, followed by a silent auction. Available items will include birthday parties, jewelry, a mini bike, restaurant gift cards, sports memorabilia, Rattler tickets, Prada, Phoenix Zoo, theater tickets, Gameworks, Makutu's Island, Polar Ice, Skateland, Tupperware, bowling, Casio, diamonds and more.
Tickets are $10 a person in advance and $12 at the door. Information: Michelle at or (480) 963-1314 to RSVP.