Chandler’s next
Congress of Neighborhoods
brainstorming session is getting a
small makeover, including inviting
residents to offer their thoughts on
the role they’d like to see for a
new city department, the
Neighborhood Resources Division.
Effective this month,
the previous Code Enforcement and
Neighborhood Services divisions will
join forces to streamline responses
to neighborhood concerns.
At the idea session,
scheduled Saturday, Oct. 27,
residents will learn how the new
departmental structure can help
improve Chandler neighborhoods, and
make suggestions for its effective
The group meets from
7:30 a.m. to noon at the Downtown
Community Center, 125 E.
Commonwealth Ave.
Also this month, the
new Neighborhood Resources Division
gets a new director, Judy
Register, who held in a similar
position in Scottsdale.
Planned revisions for
the neighborhood program also call
for adding staff to the city’s code
enforcement program.
The so-called
Congress of Neighborhoods session is
a semi-annual event designed to help
resudents create their own solutions
to neighborhood problems.
The event is free and
includes a continental breakfast,
but space is limited. For more
information and to RSVP, call the
Office of Neighborhood Programs at
(480) 782-2218.