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Trendy Phoenix cafe seen as boost to So. Tempe

Bringing new ‘flavor’ to area's casual-dining scene

$1 million donation accelerates plans to enlarge Lost Our Home pet shelter

It’s hard to say if it’s the holiday spirit or the love of animals that caused an anonymous donor to donate $1 million dollars to the Lost Our Home Pet Rescue to purchase the facility they currently occupy in Tempe, but this act of kindness is making waves for the rescue.

Baker/entrepreneur learns to survive nightowl regimen with ‘less sleep, more yeast’

Ever wonder what drives people to do 'crazy' things like skydive over an active volcano, hike Mt. Everest, run 20 miles on a crisp Sunday morning, or wake up every single day at 1:10 a.m. to bake delicious whole-grain bread?

Chandler downtown unit to hire new executive as part of building a more ‘dynamic’ destination

Officials of the Downtown Chandler Community Partnership have announced the departure of Executive Director Beth Fiorenza, effective Dec. 29.

Tax credit donations spell benefit both for schools and you

The malls are packed with shoppers and stockings are hung by the fire, but local school districts hope residents will add one more item to their holiday to do list: a tax-credit donation.

2017 Tempe All-City Awards Banquet

Wrangler New's video series highlights the Tempe All-City Sports Banquet this past Monday, Dec. 4, featuring award winners from Marcos de Niza High School and Corona del Sol High School.
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