City News

Former CDS star ballplayer who played on college teams returns to area as realtor

Two faces gaze down from the WANTED poster on the side of the Radatat Tattoo bus at Ray and McClintock. On the left is the face of a nice-looking young man with a pleasant expression, politely tipping his cowboy hat. On the right, perched above a jaunty bandana, is the face of a slightly perplexed but eager-to-please boxer.

Tempe Action agency’s I-HELP initiative brings dignity to area homeless

You’ve seen them on street corners around town: faces lined with care, holding cardboard signs. Those who are homeless often look defeated.

Always something to G.A.I.N. when Tempe police, neighbors join for annual observance

Tempe once again will join the now 31-year-old nationwide campaign designed to bring neighborhoods—and neighbors—together in an ongoing, collaborative fight against crime.

Chandler’s “Our Stories” series to feature fire battalion chief

Battalion Chief Scott Wall of the Chandler Fire, Health and Medical Department will speak about the history of firefighting in Chandler Sept. 12 at the downtown library.

Best-selling author J.A. Jance at Tempe Library Sept. 17

Arizona author J.A. Jance will unveil the latest in her popular mystery series at 1 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 17, at the Tempe Public Library.

A love story gone awry

Imagine a love story between a beautiful princess and a handsome half-god warrior. It sounds perfect—until he murders her husband and three brothers, destroys her city, captures her and turns her into...

Retired teacher never gives up in quest to build a ‘Future for Kids’

Debbie Jacobs spent 18 years teaching before she retired last year, but she never stopped caring about children.

Helping women to be ‘masters of their own destiny’

Retired Chandler Police Chief Sherry Kiyler, who will deliver the keynote message at a coming Chamber of Commerce Women in Business session, asks a simple question with a perhaps not-so-simple answer: “Who Says You Can’t?”
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