Community News

Parents unite to confront growing cases of teen suicide

It never feels right for a parent to survive their child -- particularly one who deliberately chose to die by suicide. Yet, as rates of teen suicide rise in the East Valley, more residents continue to experience this immeasurable loss. 

As July 4th nears … A mom explains why patriotism isn’t dead

While most Americans recall exactly what they were doing the moment they heard about the devastating attack on the World Trade Center, our family’s story is somewhat unique.

From ASU to seminary and back again

Pop music is made for the masses, but it is perfected by the peculiar

Tempe St. Luke’s hospital advises pregnant women on allergies

When faced with the itchy eyes, running nose and hacking cough that allergies inflict on their hapless victims, the usual reaction is to reach for medication to try to get some relief.

Grassroots initiative brings hope to homeless, impoverished

A ride to a doctor’s appointment. A bag packed with nutritious food. A hot shower. An after-school activity.  Small actions, big impact – all supported by the Tempe Community Council.

‘Dollars for Scholars’ funds college dreams

For many high school students, a higher education — the key to a brighter future — is an impossible dream.

Tempe teen is West Point bound

As members of the class of 2018 toss their caps in the air and celebrate the end of their high school years, it’s no secret that many of them are anticipating the newfound freedom that college life promises.

Backyard fundraiser may be just the start of girls’ future endeavors

While most philanthropists are adults trying to create a positive impact on the world, Tempe is home to pint-sized versions named Isabella Small and Sophie Byrd.
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