Community News

Retired teacher’s paintings cast spirit of compassion for underserved youth

Tempe artist Ann Clarke, a retired teacher, uses proceeds from the sale of her watercolor works to assist young people aging out of the foster-care system.

2 prison escapees from Florence captured nearby in Coolidge

State Prison-Florence escapees John Charpiot and David Harmon were captured Thursday nearby in Coolidge.

Chandler man rolls the dice as new general manager at Harrah’s Ak-Chin

A sense of humor comes in handy, but being general manager of Harrah's Ak-Chin Casino is serious business for West Chandler's Mike Kintner.

Chandler Mayor Hartke has COVID-19

Chandler Mayor Kevin Hartke confirmed that he is quarantined at home after he tested positive for COVID-19.

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Wrangler News and advertisers get return on investment, but more than that, their ads tell our growing readership that they are onboard with our South Tempe-West Chandler community.

Lighting up the coronavirus: S. Tempe entrepreneur’s firm zaps COVID-19

Nicholas Knudsen, founder of South Tempe-based sanitation company Purification, LLC, uses ultraviolet-light sterilization technology to kill COVID-19 for clients.

SOUNDING OFF: Neighbors livid over roar from newly widened Loop 101

Increased noise from the diamond-grinding finish that replaced rubberized asphalt on newly widened Loop 101 through Tempe and Chandler have neighbors within a half mile of it livid.

High school winter sports reinstated

High school winter sports were reinstated across Arizona on Jan. 12, four days after their cancelation by the Arizona Interscholastic Association due to COVID-19 drew public outcry.
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