Wrangler News Staff


Regionals next for top spellers

Winners of the Kyrene District Spelling Bee will participate in regional competition to be held Friday, Feb. 18, at Tempe Elementary School District Office, 3205 S. Rural Road. Kyrene students will participate with...

Tempe offers roof rat resources

Roof rats seem to be back in abundance, and city of Tempe officials once again are offering guidance and resources to those who may be affected. South Tempe and other city residents are...

Women and Heart Disease: What You Need to Know

Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death for women in the United States. What once was thought of as a man's issue now kills more women than men. One...

‘Spirit of Tempe’ award to recognize noted area activist

Longtime south Tempe resident Dave Cutty has been named recipient of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce’s “Spirit of Tempe” Award, to be presented Feb. 18 at the 14th annual Breakfast for Chamber...

All-day kindergarten: Why it is vital for our schools

Message from Dr. David Schauer, Superintendent of Kyrene Elementary Schools It’s Not Your Dad’s Kindergarten School districts in Arizona have recently had to make difficult choices due to funding reductions from the state legislature. In...

Textbook rentals help community colleges reduce students’ costs

In its first semester of operation, a new Rent-a-Text program saved Maricopa Community College students $1.14 million, compared to the price of buying new texts. That was good news for Kyrene Corridor students...

Wrangler News Staff
