Wrangler News Staff


Let the fans decide

Rooting for athletes and sports teams provides a sense of belonging for fans, while simultaneously acting as a glue to hold the teams together. Athletes are grateful to witness the passion consistently displayed...

Temepe Union override OK’d without increase

Voters in the Tempe Union High School District will be asked to continue—but not increase—the current level of funding generated through a previous Maintenance and Operations override election. The request for continuation of...

Prominent Valley entrepreneur to keynote annual event

Business owners will get a chance to meet and greet one of the Valley’s most successful entrepreneurs when the Tempe Chamber of Commerce hosts its annual luncheon on Friday, June 28. Keynote speaker...

Sodium: The culprit of an unhealthy heart

It’s no secret fast food and ‘junk’ foods are notorious for containing high levels of fat, calories, carbohydrates and sodium. However, according to the American Heart Association, one in three adults will...

Novel approach to overdue books

Tempe Public Library users can help hydrate the homeless and less fortunate and pay their library fines without taking a dollar out of their wallets, just by opening the pantry and bringing...

Paloma girl’s artwork honored in city’s environmental art competition

Ruby Trella, a fourth grader at Kyrene de la Paloma Elementary Schbool, and her teacher have been honored by the Chandler City Council for Ruby's winning artwork in the city’s 2013 Environmental...

Bullying: What’s A Mom To Do?

Moms seem to know when something is not “right” with their kids. Even if the kids say everything is fine, moms can frequently tell when this is not true. And it’s often...

Wrangler News Staff
