Wrangler News Staff


Kyrene Board learns origin of ‘$6 million’ financial surprise

Study sessions held by the Kyrene School District give Governing Board members a chance to ask questions of staff, learn more about the operations of the district, and maybe—just every once in a while—an opportunity to hear unexpected good news.

Sports Notebook

Marcos de Niza’s Padres stood their ground and defeated a reignited Corona del Sol for the second time in two weeks Nov. 6 to spoil the Aztecs’ chances of making it past the first round in the DII state football playoffs.

New ‘Row’ project promises a more vibrant downtown

Chandler’s burgeoning downtown is about to get another eye-popping addition to its environs: a project its planners envision as becoming “the heart and soul” of a mixed-use development already approved for the area.

New head of school lays out his plan to help students gain an entrepreneurial edge

Summit School of Ahwatukee will have a new leader for the 2015-2016 school year, and he’s fired up about challenging students to learn in innovative ways.

No place for mob mentality when First Amendment rights are threatened

The asterisk by the First Amendment grows larger and larger every day, a condition made painfully evident by viral videos showing students who lack basic civic knowledge imposing their will on journalists and running roughshod over the most fundamental rights.

In picking a major, passion exerts most critical influence

Econ — yes, definitely; I’ll study econ. Wait, no — supply chain sounds better; I’ll go with that. No, no. I’ve got it: I’ll do history (I love history!). Wait — I can’t get a job with that degree. Maybe I’ll…

Wrangler News Staff
