Wrangler News Staff


Heroin abuse drives new focus on therapeutics

  By Joyce Coronel As the nation continues to face climbing rates of heroin abuse, medical providers are writing significantly fewer prescriptions for narcotic painkillers such as OxyContin and Vicodin. Many of those who become...

For seniors at care center, ‘It’s never too late’ to enjoy life

By Joyce Coronel Kimberly and Scott Simon and their four small children made their way through the lobby of the Westchester Memory Care Unit in South Tempe. It was a warm, spring afternoon...

SRP volunteers boost students’ confidence -and grades- at Hudson Elementary

By Joyce Coronel Fourth-grader Charles Roberts and 18 of his fourth-grade classmates charge through the library doors after school on Wednesdays. The children know that just inside the library they’ll find not only...

Four to compete for Kyrene’s top job

Four candidates have been selected to interview for the job of superintendent of the Kyrene School District, succeeding Dr. David Schauer, who departed the post unexpectedly three months ahead of his planned...

Kyrene board comments on superintendent’s departure

Editor’s note: The following message was received from Kyrene Governing Board President Bernadette Coggins at 5:16 p.m. Monday, March 21, after we had left for the day. The text of Coggins’ message...

How a typo changed the course of history

Ever wonder why Chandler has such a jagged, irregular border with Tempe?

Wrangler News Staff
