Wrangler News Staff



Legislative District 18 House of Representatives candidate and former Kyrene Governing Board member Mitzi Epstein will hold final sessions of an area-wide listening tour at three Kyrene schools in May.

At senior-care center, puppy kisses brighten residents’ future

Bath? Check. Ears cleaned? Check. Teeth brushed? Check. Then it’s time to buckle on the uniform vest and head off to work.

Despite flaws and potential risks, a ‘Yes’ vote on Prop. 123 makes sense

Do you still have your early ballot on the kitchen table?

Jaguars romp vs Akimel

The Aprende Jaguar Girls basketball completed their second straight undefeated championship season, beating the Akimel Rattlers 43-28 in the Kyrene League Championship game at Corona del Sol High School.

Teacher honored for helping immigrant students reach for the stars

Helping the children of immigrant parents learn how to play a meaningful role in American society—and prepare themselves for satisfying, productive futures in their new country—has been the longtime goal of Maria Plata.

Teen actors play a lifesaving role vs. drunken driving

It’s been 20 years, but tears still roll down Sonya Brinton’s cheeks as she recalls what happened to her family on that fateful night during the summer of 1996.

Agent’s advice to budding authors: you can judge a book by its cover

When Linda Radke was a little girl, her grandmother stressed taking pride in her work and in having a good reputation.

Wrangler News Staff
