Wrangler News Staff


Rule vs exchange students draws ire

Two exchange students were denied the right to participate in May 19 graduation activities with fellow seniors at Marcos de Niza High School, according to a petition being circulated through auspices of an online organization known as iPetitions.com.

No cause for alarm here, but Zika worries could grow

On the heels of the first Zika virus-related death in the U.S., growing concern about the Summer Olympic Games to be held in Rio de Janeiro this August and a newly announced $1.1 billion commitment to combat the disease, a Tempe physician offered his thoughts on how the virus is transmitted and what the risks could be for local residents.

WEB, ‘Where Everyone Belongs’

The growing nationwide program adopted at Kyrene middle schools says it all: We're a place “Where Everyone Belongs."

National concept’s move to Tempe sparks new interest in music

With all the understandable emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, or STEM, learning, there’s an important facet of education that some worry might be getting overlooked: music.

New Chandler chief exec sees fiscal strength, planning, as pathway to opportunity

Chandler’s new city manager, Marsha Reed, doesn’t need to wear rose-colored glasses to see that a positive future continues its ascent on the horizon.

Dancing the light fantastic: Tapping into a craze revitalized from the days of early America

Dance studio owner Mary Wall started developing her talent at the gawky age of 5, hoping to one day join the famed Rockettes in New York City.

Photo enforcement is back

Three West Chandler intersections are among five locations where red light and excessive-speed camera tests are underway.

OK to take a bite out of crime, but not out of the mail carrier, please

When your neighborhood mail carrier tells you he doesn’t buy the story that your cocker spaniel, whose bared fangs are inches from his ankle, never bites, don’t argue.

Wrangler News Staff
