Wrangler News Staff


$6,000 pre-school grants now available

Through strategic partnerships with three noted social-service providers, Summit School of Ahwatukee is making eight $6,000 pre-school scholarships available to area children.

Ernest McFarland: New monument pays tribute to monumental leader

  By Joyce Coronel John D. Lewis was seven when his grandfather taught him a lesson about honesty that he’s   never forgotten. The two were in a hospital waiting room when Lewis, now a...

Wrangler’s content and our policy on political advertising

It will come as no surprise to this newspaper’s regular readers that, for the past 25 or so years, our content has reflected a commitment to community values.

Lessons from Dad: A Father’s Day salute to Mr. Tempe

Harry Mitchell spent 28 years teaching American government and economics at Tempe High School, but he insists it was the lessons he taught his own son and daughter that bring a smile to his face today.

Now that Prop 123 has passed, where do we go from here?

Although Proposition 123 passed with the slimmest margin possible—little more than one percent of the vote—officials in the three Tempe school districts say they’re grateful for the win.

Orlando bloodbath: Tragedy points to a never-ending need

As television coverage documented the horror of the Orlando mass shootings and the resulting urgent call for blood donors, Branden Lombardi couldn’t help but remember his own crisis and how people responded to help save his life.

‘Time Machine’ a roller coaster ride into history

The cogs and wheels have started rolling again on Tempe's newest and possibly best-ever "Time Machine," a mind-expanding exhibit designed to keep kids engaged during what might otherwise be just another ho-hum summer.

Wrangler News Staff
