Wrangler News Staff


Therapists agree: Veggie gardens grow happier kids

Can gardening help heal minds?

Youth Town Hall offers teens opportunity to voice concerns to Chandler

 West Chandler teens can take the day off from school but not from learning when they attend the Teen Town Hall Thursday, Feb. 23.

New Superior Court judge a Marcos grad

Students at Marcos de Niza High School pride themselves in keeping track of their campus success stories, including grads who have brought pride and recognition to their alma mater.

Take a bow: Seton’s theatrical couple embraces unique roles

When “Fiddler on the Roof,” Seton Catholic Prep’s winter musical, opened Feb. 10, the high school’s Black Box Theatre was teeming with proud parents, grandparents, siblings and friends, all counting down the minutes until the curtain opens to whisk them back to a small Jewish village in Imperial Russia.

Study finds Kyrene teacher, admin salaries more competitive than 2013-2014

The Kyrene district is more competitive in compensating teachers and administrative staff this school year, according to research presented to the Governing Board by the Fox Lawson Group.

Workshop: Boys and girls learn differently

Not only are boys different anatomically than girls; they also learn differently

McClintock bike lane study heads toward June wrap-up

Studies examining last year’s reconfiguration of McClintock Drive, a project that was launched to enhance bicyclist convenience and safety, are headed toward a June completion date, according to a new projection by Tempe officials.

Businesses scrambling to meet new wage mandate

In a survey distributed to members of the Tempe Chamber of Commerce, about half of the business owners responding said they're facing difficulties in adjusting operational strategies to meet the requirements of Proposition 206, the wage and time-off measure adopted by Arizona voters last November.

Wrangler News Staff
