Wrangler News Staff


For teens, a closeup look at the tragedy of drinking and driving

It comes as no surprise that teenagers are in the high-risk category for accidents related to the use of alcohol.

DUI enforcement grant focuses on high-risk times of year

A $60,000 grant is going to boost the Chandler Police Department’s DUI enforcement during those times of the year when drinking and driving typically increase.

Music brings harmony to cross-cultural exchange

Not only did the kids at Fees College Preparatory Academy get a taste of Asian music and how it helps bring harmony in a different culture—it opened their eyes to a world they’d never before seen much less understood.

Holocaust Remembrance Day speaker at St. Andrew’s

Speaker and author Marty Brounstein will give two keynote addresses on Holocaust Remembrance Day, Saturday, April 22 at St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church, 3450 W. Ray Road, Chandler.

Hyper Local News: What it is, where you can (really) find it

As some of you know, one of my jobs here at Wrangler News is to extend our reach to the people who haven’t had an opportunity to work with us over the years.

‘Future for Kids’ sports camp May 20

Put down the devices, walk away from screen time and get those kids moving outdoors. And while you’re at it, help them develop some sports skills.

During the 2016-2017 school year, Kyrene released a solicitation for proposals for English Language Arts instructional materials for grades K-8. Kyrene follows a defined process when considering a resource for adoption.

Divergent views as Tempe nears end of bike-lane study

The public meetings are over and the online-comment period has ended.

Wrangler News Staff
