Wrangler News Staff


Going to the mat for their country

As summer inches its way toward an eventual finale, most recent high school graduates look eagerly forward to their first taste of freedom: life away from home at their new college or university.

Print Edition – July 1, 2017

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Dive in for summer fun at neighborhood pools in Tempe, West Chandler

Tempe and West Chandler’s scorching-hot temperatures this time of year are all the more reason to plunge into the cooling waters at area pools like those you’ll find at Nozomi  Aquatic Center or Kiwanis Wave Pool. 

A hands-on approach to opioids misuse

Imagine the pain. It's chronic, ongoing, and governs every waking moment.

Handy guide for parents to help ensure their family’s July 4 safety

While some types of fireworks are legal to sell and purchase at local businesses, Chandler Fire officials say the use and misuse of fireworks can lead to personal injury, injury to others, harm to pets, property damage and destruction of the environment.

Area M.D.: Keep an eye on fireworks safety

As a 10-year-old growing up in the Midwest, Jon Konti remembers the anticipation that started weeks before the July 4th holiday— those big industrial-strength skyrockets set off at the hometown stadium, the secretly purchased Chinese firecrackers that some of his buddies somehow mysteriously acquired, even the hand-held sparklers that offered an always exciting, though presumably harmless, thrill.

Area teens’ European visit opens a frightening window to terror

In a globalized world of increasing inter-connectedness, the ripple effect caused by what once might have been considered distant events grows wider each day.

Advice to fellow dads: Teaching kids is never a chore

Tonio Hernandez Jr. jumps into the air, grabbing onto the pull-up bar, as his father, Antonio Sr., catches and steadies his his body in

Wrangler News Staff
