Wrangler News Staff


Brainy idea: Pedaling basics of bike repair

Recycle a Bicycle: How could the brains behind this idea have picked a catchier moniker for their budding bike repair class?

Insurance Agent Wanted

Licensed insurance agent, full or part-time, for thriving Tempe agency, 480-966-0348

Don Carlos Award again recognizes humanitarian service

Longtime resident and retired SRP employee Kathy Stevens will join a roster of other notable Tempe residents as the 34th recipient of the coveted Don Carlos Humanitarian Award. Stevens, along with other community...

7 teen suicides heighten concerns

Suicide is a word that hits hard—particularly when it involves cases that increasingly are stealing our community’s young people.

Print Edition – September 16, 2017

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3 info sessions scheduled for franchised Primrose Preschool

A new preschool in West Chandler is hosting a series of information nights for parents at Makutu’s Island, located at 6919 W. Ray Road.

Self-determination seen as key to students’ success

Kyrene educators draw on several programs in the district to help middle school students master the concepts of inclusion, self-determination and goal-setting, a composite of skills referred to as student agency.

Tempe YMCA: Keeping kids safe around water

If you’ve ever watched a newscast in the Valley, you’ve heard the voice of Dave Munsey and his nightly sign-off, “Watch your kids around water.”

Wrangler News Staff
